Our seas, lagoons and bays have the ideal characteristics to be perfect sanctuaries. They allow the development and recovery of marine species and their warm waters are home to 33% of the world’s cetaceans. Without question, a one-on-one encounter with these great species should be number one on your wish list.
The most curious and playful of all, the gray whale allows you to come close to it and its calves. Visit them at the Ojo de Liebre Lagoon and San Ignacio de Mulegé, or at Adolfo López Mateos and San Carlos ports in Magdalena Bay, Comondú. All of them are located on the Pacific Coast.
The largest whale in the planet visits Loreto Bay every year and seeing it is a very powerful experience.
At the southernmost point of the peninsula, Los Cabos, you may find one of the most sensitive and intelligent whales. Watch it at a considerable distance and enjoy its incredible acrobatics.